
Friday, January 30, 2015

Vegan Party Time: Super Bowl's Most Popular Food, Well, Vegetable Dishes the Most!

""Super Bowl XLIX kicks off Sunday, Feb. 2. The football pinnacle has grown so popular it's a national holiday. Beyond game excitement is half-time feasting! As the Patriots take on the Seahawks, there's hot competition among Super Bowl foods, too. What do you think is the hottest Super Bowl appetizer? Wings? Pizza? Nope. Vegetables are the most popular Super Bowl food, reported Associated Press Jan. 30.

So it's not the junk food we always think of that fans favor. They want healthy. Here are veggie appetizers and vegetable tray recipes to feed hungry football fans.

Set out a Super Bowl worthy super-sized vegetable tray with favorites and non-traditional crudite options. Pare and spear green, red, orange, yellow and purple peppers. Slice avocado. summer squash, zucchini, portabello mushrooms, Cut small carrot (don't peel, just clean). Cut celery spears (de-string and clean with a potato peeler). trim scallions, Serve cut broccoli, broccoflower (green and purple) and cauliflower flowerets. Look for yellow cauliflower too.

Make your own healthy dill dip mixing Greek yogurt, light mayonnaise, Mrs. Dash and Spike salt-free seasoning and dill weed. Make healthy vegetable spinach dip blending canned spinach, fresh chopped kale, water chestnuts, light mayo, Greek yogurt and Knorr's dried vegetable soup mix.""

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