
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

17 Year Old Brilliant Bioinformatics Researcher Anvita Gupta is a True Lifehacker

""We often look to veterans of life and business to share the wisdom they've accumulated during their career, but today we're looking towards the future, to a young woman of striking ambition. Anvita Gupta, 17, is a bioinformatics researcher, Intel Science Talent Search Finalist, and a high school student.
The Intel Science Talent Search is a prestigious math and science competition that encourages pre-college young adults to pursue challenging questions of science and solutions that will better humanity. To earn her spot as a finalist and a trip to Washington D.C., Anvita used machine learning to identify promising new drugs for cancer, tuberculosis and Ebola. She has also taught herself eight programming languages, is the president of her high school's robotics team, and teaches a computer science class for middle school girls.
You know, I think it's safe to say that Anvita has a promising future, and that our's will be better because of her research. We spoke with Anvita to learn a little about how she works.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona 
Current Gig: High School Student, Bioinformatics Researcher 
One word that best describes how you work: Focused 
Current mobile device: Samsung Galaxy 
Current computer: Lenovo Thinkpad and MacBook Pro

What apps, software, or tools can't you live without? Why?

UbuntuGIMP, Gmail, and RStudio [a development environment for statistical computing—ed.].

What's your workspace setup like?

Wherever my computer is, that's where my workspace is! Usually I work at home at a gigantic desk that holds all my notebooks, a 32" Samsung monitor that I connect to my laptop, a large metal lamp, and my USB mouse.

What's your best time-saving shortcut or life hack?

I try not to go on Facebook or email too much, and I set a time period to only concentrate on work. During that time period I am much more productive than usual!

What's your favorite to-do list manager?

I used Wunderlist for a while but it was too much trouble to log in every time. So I generally stick to Excel, or simple Post-It notes and a pen.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why?

My headphones, judging by what I use the most.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else?

I'm pretty good at thinking of things in terms of connections and networks, and seeing objects in the context of the systems they are in. These skills really come in handy in my extracurricular activities, which include being a member of my high school's robotics team, and in teaching a computer science class for middle school girls that I started with funding from Google and the National Center for Women & IT. You can find out more about my club,LITAS, at""

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