
Friday, February 20, 2015

A Relationship with Yoga To Master the Art for a Lifetime

""When you hear the word “Yoga”, it’s likely that words like stretching, exercise, practice, flexibility, bending, and twisting come to mind. That’s because the primary association that most Westerners have with yoga has to do with the “on the mat” or physical aspects of the practice of yoga or “Hatha Yoga”.
There are also several other forms of yoga that emphasize different ways of fulfilling the essential purpose of yoga (which we’ll get to in a minute), including:
Jnana Yoga: The path of knowledge, wisdom contemplation and introspection and quiet reflection.
Bhakti Yoga: The path of devotion, emotion, compassion and service to God
Karma Yoga: The path of action, mindfulness, and service to others
Raja Yoga: The path of meditation and practices that promote the transcendence of thoughts and mental constructs.
You probably didn’t log on to this website to read about yoga, but trust me, there’s a connection between the subject at hand, and the theme of this blog, and that, in fact, is the point of this post, and the point of Yoga: Connection.

The word “yoga” is a derivation of the Sanskrit term “yui” that means ‘yoke” and refers to the bar that encircles the necks of two oxen or other draft animals, creating a union between them that enables them to work together to plow a field or pull a cart. The intention of the practice of Yoga is to promote and support the joining or integration of individual and divine consciousness.
You may be beginning to see the connection between yoga and relationships at this point, particularly the part about being bound by a harness around the neck, but seriously, when you think about it, there really are some strong parallels between these two concepts. In fact, if you examine the underlying intention of the practices of Yoga and relationship, it quickly becomes apparent that they are very much in alignment with each other. “Relationship Yoga” can be seen as another equally viable path towards the realization of our full potential as human beings.
While this may sound more than a little grandiose, anyone who has experienced the full measure of what committed partnerships can provide, knows that such a claim is not hyperbolic or exaggerated, but is well within the realm of possibility. And like Hatha Yoga, which offers liberation from a restricted and inflexible body, relationship yoga can free us from the limits that are inherent in a life in which there is insufficient connection and mutuality of support in our lives.
And as in other yoga practices, the path to freedom does require effort, commitment, and perseverance, particularly at those times in which feelings of discouragement and pessimism can at times be present. The impulse to quit or opt out can be very compelling, so much so, that just hanging in there can itself be a formidable challenge. Relationship yoga requires us to stretch into our partner’s world, and to persevere in the face of discouragement, frustration and even pain. It demands that we commit to doing our best without pushing too hard or without losing ourselves in the process. It requires a level of self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-trust, that can only come through experience, practice, and dedication.""

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