
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Google Earth Professional Version is Now Offered for Free!

""Google has removed the subscription fee from the pro version of Google Earth. The Pro version of Google’s mapping service, which is commonly used by architects and media personnel for a variety of tasks previously carried a $400 (around £265) yearly subscription fee, however, that has now been totally removed and the software is available for free providing you grab a product activation key from Google and then proceed to download and install the software.
The Independent reports that Google said existing users of the software will still be able to use it as ever, but they are yet to detail any possible refund service for those who have outstanding subscriptions. Google is also yet to say why they have made the switch from paid subscription to totally free product however increased functionality from competitors such as Apple Maps, which is also a free product could have been a significant factor in the switch.
Google Earth Pro’s main customers previous to the switch in pricing would have been architects who wanted to use the detailed 3D building models and city layouts to plan where they could build, how it would look against the current sky line and what sizes they have to work with. Another key demographic for the software would have been video production companies as the high quality 3D images allowed them to easily capture panoramic shots as well as fly over shots for locations they could not get to in person.""

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