
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Massive Tsunami 8,150 Years Ago Decimated Stone Age Populations Living in Norway and Scotland

""A massive tsunami 8,150 years ago decimated Stone Age populations living in Norway and Scotland after they returned to coastal regions in preparation for winter.

The tsunami, which scientists have previously said created a "North Sea Atlantis", was the result of one of the largest submarine slides ever recorded.

The landslide, known as the Storegga Slide, took place off the coast of Norway and generated waves about 40m high. Deposits from the tsunami have been found in north-eastern England, Scotland, Greenland and Norway. In terms of size, the tsunami was similar to that seen in the Indian Ocean in 2004.

Scientists have now discovered what time of year the tsunami happened, finding that had it taken place just a few months earlier, populations would have been safe from the devastation it caused.

In their study published in the journal Geology, Knut Rydgren and Stein Bondevik, Sogn og Fjordane University College, Sogndal, Norway, examined moss samples to find out when the event took place.

"At that time, more than 8,000 years ago, the Stone Age people would move up into the mountains to hunt reindeer and elk in the summer, and then in the late autumn many of them returned to the coast to settle down for winter," Rydgren told IBTimes UK.

"If it had happened in the summer, many of these people would not have been struck by the tsunami. If it happened in the late autumn when they returned, most of them would have been hit.""

History Details Continued:

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