
Friday, February 27, 2015

Technologies Breakthroughs for Rechargeable Batteries Revitalizes Cleaner Energy Usages

""Researchers from Singapore’s Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) of A*STAR and Quebec’s IREQ (Hydro-Québec’s research institute) have synthesized a new material that they say could more than double the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries, allowing for longer-lasting rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles and mobile devices.""

nanoboxes used in the new battery cathode material

""The new material for battery cathodes (the + battery pole) in based on a “lithium orthosilicate-related” compound,  Li2MnSiO4, combining lithium, manganese, silicon and oxygen, which the researchers found superior to conventional phosphate-based cathodes. They report an high initial charging capacity of 335 mAh/g (milliAmpere-hours per gram) in the journal Nano Energy.
“IBN researchers have successfully achieved simultaneous control of the phase purity and nanostructure of Li2MnSiO4 for the first time,” said Professor Jackie Y. Ying, IBN Executive Director. “This novel synthetic approach would allow us to move closer to attaining the ultrahigh theoretical capacity of silicate-based cathodes for battery applications.""

""Not all batteries are created equal". The first ever rechargeable AA/AAA batteries that allows direct micro-USB charging without the need for an external battery cradle""
""Even in today’s world, the reliance on standard AA/AAA batteries is ever increasing. It's a $40+ Billion dollar industry that provides assistance in our everyday lives, but also creates a substantial amount of waste at the same time. Batteries are used for almost everything that’s handheld like remotes, cameras, flashlights, alarm clocks, medical devices, etc. When those batteries run out, they’re usually simply thrown out. Those that choose to be a bit more eco-friendly have the option of using rechargeable batteries, but even those come with some inconveniences.
The concept of rechargeable batteries has been around for decades, but these come with bulky cradles that would hold a handful of batteries at once and allow simultaneous recharging. This cradle also needed to be carried around when on travel to make sure devices were well powered while away from home.  
Technology has advanced much since then and in today’s market, there are even AA/AAA batteries that can be charged using a standard USB port. However, the USB plug will take up quite an amount of space thus reducing the battery capacity as well as structural integrity since the top of the battery must be removed in order to plug the battery into a USB port for charging.
This is where Lightors comes into play. Lightors offers an innovative alternative to rechargeable batteries without the fuss of using an external charging cradle. Much of today’s mobile devices use micro-USB as a standard for charging, but these cables are usually reserved for charging a single device. Lightors brings new use for your existing micro-USB cables and were designed to offer maximum battery capacity while being eco-friendly and re-usable. With its built-in micro-USB port, Lightors can be charged directly using any existing cable around your home or office (it comes with one too).
Lightors can be charged over 500 times  and will drastically reduce costs on purchasing additional batteries and reduce the amount of waste that gets created from throwing out traditional batteries. When the power runs out, simply plug them back in and a light will indicate that charging is complete.""

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