
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

North American Union "Conspiracy" Now Offical Mainstream Media on CNN

""A pair of globalist-minded academics is arguing for an idea that, just a few short years ago, was derided as conspiratorial -- and by the same cable news outlet where the two are making their case: CNN.

In an online column for the Cable News Network, Andres Martinez -- editorial director of Zocalo Public Square and professor of practice at the Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University -- and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan -- an Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow at New America and a former adviser on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's policy planning staff -- argue for a European-style merger between the U.S., Canada and Mexico, though CNN attempted to ridicule former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, for his previous mention of a North American Union.

As reported by The New American magazine in its online edition, the recent op-ed by Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan, on behalf of New America, a globalist-centric think tank, the future of the U.S. "lies in North America," not in the Constitution or the American people.

"This is not a geographic truism, but a strategic imperative," they argued. "The United States, Canada and Mexico are bound by a shared economic, environmental, demographic and cultural destiny.""

Borders are quaint anachronisms

As further reported by TNA:

In recognition of what they refer to as North America's "shared destiny," Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan propose the establishment of what they call a "North American passport." The radical passport scheme would eventually facilitate the erasing of U.S. borders in exchange for "North American" borders -- a plot that has been underway for years with the "Beyond the Border" initiative and other schemes.

"Much like the EU passport," they said, the new North American passport would ultimately allow all North American residents to "travel, work, invest, learn and innovate anywhere in North America."

On its website, New America states the organization "is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next generation politics, and creative engagement with broad audiences."

The scholars argue that prior continent-wide economic ties through mechanisms like the North American Free Trade Agreement have enriched all three countries and have inextricably tied them together for the long haul.

What's more, the duo derides traditional boundaries between countries as quaint anachronisms that have no place in the modern era; sovereignty, to them, is an relic of the Old World.

This is especially true as it pertains to North American energy resources, they argue. Such resources "must be leveraged regionally, with cross-border infrastructure investments and environmental planning."Even if Washington still thinks in terms of tidy lines separating nation states," they continued, "mineral resources are about as influenced by such lines on a map as the water gushing down the Colorado River.""

Land of Confusion

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