
Friday, March 6, 2015

Run on Metals Markets, Namely Gold Bullion Values, with All Vaults Closing in London Due to Market Manipulations

Today's Gold Smash Is Western Government Intervention

Andrew Maguire:  Eric, here we are again after another heavily gamed Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) report week that evidences just how ‘managed’ the paper markets are. Given the strong Indian and Chinese demand above $1,200 and the currency crosses related to gold that were net-positive all week, there was no reason to paint gold down ahead of today's NFP. Given that the physical market is strong, the Comex-centric selling has all the hallmarks of ‘official’ selling.

Massive Physical Demand

What I am saying is that there was massive physical buying above $1,200.  So there was no reason for today's takedown other than to flush the paper markets of some weak-handed longs, and for the commercials to cover shorts and add to their long positions.

Bank Of England And Fed Fingerprints

Real Comex open interest has declined by some 250,000 contracts in the last 4 years, leaving what remains in the hands of a few directional high-frequency trading algorithms controlled by a few CME insiders, who also happen to be the same 6 market-making bullion banks that have gold accounts with the Bank of England. Considering the FED had the NFP data days ahead of the release, it is highly unlikely these agent banks were not privy to the data as well.

What this synthetic gaming has done is drive out almost all ‘real’ open interest into an increasingly liquid physical market outside the tendrils of a handful of collusive banks. This migration has now reached an inflection point and reverse leverage is about to run these banks over.

Physical Demand Exceeds Mine Supply – Takedown Is Naked Short Selling

The downside manipulations have become so embarrassingly obvious to anyone connected to the strong physical markets. There is no way of hiding that these sales are conducted in the face of a market where physical demand continues to exceed mine supply, meaning these sales can only be effected by way of high leveraged naked short selling.

HSBC Just Shocked Clients By Announcing Closure Of All London Gold Vaults!

The other big news this week was HSBC giving only 2 months’ notice to clients that they are closing down all 7 of their London gold vaults! This is an unprecedented move. Why do you think this is? It is because transparency is coming. There is no profit in plain, vanilla bullion banking any longer.

I also suspect given the lack of warning and lack of any press release that the majority of these clients will be unable to make other vaulting arrangements in time. HSBC will no doubt make it easy for these clients to sell the bullion back to HSBC, who will then use this bullion inflow to repay some underwater positions. So something is brewing behind the scenes, Eric, and this is one more sign major changes are coming.

Boloni Money:

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