
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Planetary Geoengineering Common Place in the Hierarchy Secrecy Echelons

""Today, as the result of documents like the Air Force white paper Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, we know Geoengineering is real, and thanks to researchers like Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch, we know about the absolutely devastating effects it is having on our environment.
As Dane wrote recently, “On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet earth in the blink of an eye.”
He is right, of course. But I don’t think it’s the human race which has wrought so much destruction. Specifically, I think it’s the madmen and women who worship at the alter of Shiva, of Lucifer, of the destroyers of this world (We’ll get to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in a minute).
Those among us who wield earthly power and worship dark forces. They are responsible, mostly.""
""Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Few seem to notice the die-off until it is pointed out to them, but once recognized, what can be seen is alarming.”
“On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our planet, climate engineering stands out above all the rest combined. The list of environmentally devastating factors directly relating to the ongoing geoengineering programs is very long.
Trees are succumbing to this onslaught and the human race will follow if our species does not completely alter its current trajectory. Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle (…), destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation…), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals.
Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole.
It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight. All those who are already awake are needed to assist with the ongoing critically important campaign to awaken others. Arm yourself with critical data and pass it on, make every day count in this battle. If the trees die, we die.” – Dane Wigington
The conclusion here is that there is a battle being waged for the planet. On a statistical basis, humanity is losing. Those who hold power at the highest levels want to depopulate the planet, and the most effective way to do that is to destroy it. We MUST talk about it and we must STOP it if we hope to survive.""
""CERN’s Large Hadron Collider: The largest, most complicated machine ever built in thehistory of mankind.
Did you play a role in the construction of CERN’s LHC? Because I didn’t. And I certainly wasn’t invited to any of the meetings in which the plans were laid out to seek the ‘God particle’ no matter what the consequences. And the consequences may well be extremely dire. That’s actually a vast understatement.
The consequences may be the destruction of humanity, the earth itself, or worse.
Stephen Hawking is worried. Why are CERN scientists moving forward with reckless abandon? Hawking is famously quoted as saying, “Finding the ‘God particle’ could destroy the universe.
That sounds bad. So there was a move among the mockingbird media to “clarify” Hawking’s statement.
The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable at energies above 100 [billion] gigaelectronvolts (GeV). This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at any time and we wouldn’t see it coming.""
""One pundit has concluded this about Mr. Hawking’s opinions about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider:
He is beginning to see that everything is so precise that it’s impossible for it to be happenstance. Everything down to a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a meter, is absolutely precise. He is beginning to change his mind is what’s happening to him. He is now beginning to entertain the idea that what people call “Divine”, is in fact done by some sort of “Architect.”
Hawking possesses a quality called humility. Most of the folks at CERN possess something else, hubris. Perhaps that is why CERN has a statue of Shiva in front of its headquarters.""
""The LHC may well be the modern day equivalent of the Tower of Babble. And for those unfamiliar with the story, it didn’t end well for the hubris-filled men who sought to touch the face of God then, and it’s unlikely to end well now.
CERN is the world’s largest machine ever built my man. Scientists all over the world in every country have been experimenting and researching for decades utilizing super-computers and massive “colliders” around the world, and they claim to be searching for sub-atomic particles in order to get a better understanding of what matter really is. Unfortunately, the public is not fully aware of what the full potential of CERN as it relates to interdimensional communication.”" – Pete Santilli

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