
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Internal Documents Show TSA Agents Regularly Assault and Grope Americans as Found Through Freedom of Information Act Request

We hate to say, "We told ya so," but if we in the alternative media don't point out our triumphs, nobody else will, and certainly nobody in the mainstream media: The Transportation Security Administration is a rogue agency filled with miscreants, criminals and perverts who make more of an effort to, and take more pleasure in, making the traveling public miserable than in protecting them from "terrorism."

As noted by, documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request filed by a government watchdog organization show that TSA-caused sexual abuse is still rife around the nation, "with Americans complaining of being sexually harassed and groped while screeners laugh and sneer at them."

We've been on to the TSA all along

The documents were uncovered by Judicial Watch (JW), a Washington, D.C.-based organization that filed a lawsuit last year for more information related to alleged TSA sexual abuse.

In all, JW received 58 pages of material containing passenger complaints from 2013 alone. Alleged sexual assaults were documented at Dulles International Airport in Washington, Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, Denver International Airport, Miami International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport. further framed the issue thusly:

Clearly these documents present only a snapshot of what is going on at every airport in the US every day.

The president of JW, Tom Fitton, observed that in order to get a hold of the documents the legal accountability watchdog had to fight, indicating that "the TSA is more interested in a cover-up than in addressing the problem that its employees violate innocent travelers too often, sexually or otherwise."

According to the documents, here are a few of the cases cited:

July 5, 2013, "TSA Contact Center Record," O'Hare Airport:

The female TSO [Transportation Safety Officer] then proceeded to roughly feel of [sic] her breast including her nipples. The TSO didn't go under her arms or along her sides. She indicated that she did not receive a proper pat down. The search was limited to her breast... Two other individuals came over to where the supervisor and gentleman were and they began laughing. The caller indicated that the incident was not the business of the other two officers and not a show for them. The caller indicated that even the Supervisor, along with the others, began to roar with laughter.

July 29, 2013, "To/From Memo," O'Hare Airport:

The person began to tell me how TSO [redacted] stuck his hands down his pants and grabbed the top of his penis and placed his fingers in his butt crack... The person was sure that he was violated and wanted to talk to a supervisor.... He said he is going to file a police report with Chicago Police Department and file a lawsuit against TSA and Officer [redacted] and walked away.

You can read more incident reports here[PDF] or here.

Voluminous coverage of TSA malfeasance, criminality:

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