
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Prolonged Media and White House Blitzgrieg Attacks Against Gun Owner Rights

The current anti-gun president and his allies are moving forward with an apparent multi-pronged attack on gun owners as they seek to ban online ammo purchases, ban gun-related online internet communications, and to mandate firearms insurance.

Here’s more information about what your government is doing in this regard:

Online Ammo Purchase Ban

Barack Obama’s anti-gun allies in Congress are moving right now to effectively OUTLAW your freedom to purchase ammunition online.

The “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015″ was recently introduced and it already has cosponsors.

This crippling new law would:
FORCE you to submit a photo ID in-person every time you purchase any ammunition;
REPORT you to Obama’s anti-gun U.S. Attorney General if you purchase more than 1,000 rounds within a five day period;
REGISTER ammunition buyers like you in a database maintained by Obama’s bureaucrats at the Department of Justice.

According to the bill’s chief sponsor, this new law would give the Obama administration the power to “monitor” law-abiding gun owners and “flag them for law enforcement.”

Ban Gun-related Communication on the Internet

A State Department proposal may make information-sharing on guns illegal as part of the proposed regulations of the Arms 

Export Control Act.

What these regulations would do is to define “export” to include potentially any gun-related communication on the Internet or social media. The regulation would apply to all private communications, so long as the “network” (e.g., the Internet) is, in general, publicly available.

With this in place, the Obama Administration would have the regulatory framework to comprehensively regulate gun-related speech in cyberspace, to whatever extent it desires. In the hands of an anti-gun administration such as Barack Obama’s, the regulations have the potential of granting the State Department an expanded ability to regulate and license gun-related speech on the electronic media.

Mandatory Firearms Insurance

Barack Obama’s gun-hating allies in Congress have just unveiled a new bill (H.R. 2546) that would force YOU to buy government-mandated liability insurance before you would be allowed to purchase a firearm.

And if you can’t afford this expensive new insurance mandate?

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