
Monday, May 11, 2015

The Push for Synthetic Reality an Agenda to All Things Artificial Intelligence

It is not by accident or organic, ‘grassroots’ trend that numerous films are coming focused on artificial intelligence and the transhumanist takeover. From H.G. Wells’ tales of genetic chimaeras in The Island of Dr. Moreau to Sixth Day with Schwarzenegger, to A.I. films like Chappie, the predictive programming preparations are rolling out.

My recent research has focused on the Manhattan Project, and like the MK ULTRA programs, Manhattan had a much wider application than is commonly known. In fact, MK ULTRA and Manhattan are related through the connect of biometrics and bio-warfare. 

As MK ULTRA faded away, the program was renamed MK SEARCH and transferred to Fort Detrick, one of the U.S. Militarys biological weapons-focused bases. And with both MK SEARCH and Manhattan programs, we find an overarching ideology of transhumanism that has its origins much earlier in the alchemists of the ancient world.

The Manhattan Project was publicly known as the secret operation spanning several years devoted to developing the atomic bomb, yet the truth is much deeper and darker. The Manhattan Project was actually a vast program concerned with radiation, human exposure and the grand telos engineering resistant, synthetic humanoids.

The inklings that we can gather about this overall, long-term project appear to be geared towards biologically engineering humans to withstand the coming onslaught of various alterations in the entire biosphere.

In order to transition to the synthetic overlay that will integrate SmartCities, the Internet of Things, human bio-engineering, cloning, biometrics, genetic programming and environmental engineering is now an open plan in numerous transhumanist lectures and publications

Yet in order to reach this phase, experimentation is necessary, and what better means to that end than experimenting on populations en masse.

We have already seen that the technocratic establishment has no qualms about testing on unwitting subjects, so covert experimentation on mass populations is not without precedent — from MK ULTRA to covert chemical spraying. For example, the U.S. government sprayed St. Louis in a radiation experiment under the guise of prepping for a Russian attack.

Official Declassified Documents: Poisonous Chemtrails Were Sprayed Onto the US Population

That this particular experiment (among numerous) involved radiation was no coincidence. The 20th Century appears to have been the ‘radiation century’, suggesting the hypothesis by researchers like Sofia Smallstorm to be correct (please see the video From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life at the bottom of this article). 

Smallstorm argues the goal of the 20th century’s experiments was to overwrite the existing biospherewith a new, synthetic overlay, or humanity 2.0. Humanity Plus, the new homo evolutis, would be an androgynous being capable of technocratic control beneath the All-Seeing Eye of panoptic surveillance. 

Children will be grown in test tubes, according to the Brave New World plans of Huxley, and sex would become meaningless. Offspring allowed to subsist will be genderless automatons, made for slave-like subjugation and toil. Wells described this in his Time Machine, with the Morlocks and Eloi.

From Bertrand Russell to Dr. Edward Teller, the plan that is blossoming in our day is showing itself to be a unified plan that spans the last century in particular, as the century of the ‘final revolution’ (in Russell’s words), where scientific process would reveal the secrets to technological imperialism. 

Russell was a proponent of both “scientific society” and a “single supreme world government”, while Teller himself was not only a key figure in the development of the hydrogen bomb and the Manhattan Project, but also the father of aerosol spraying and atmospheric geoengineering. [learn more here]

This period is thus concurrent with the alchemical atomic and nuclear tests done igniting bombs in the atmosphere, beginning at the Trinity Site in New Mexico. 

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