
Monday, May 11, 2015

Transform Your Health, Just Eat Dirt

""While it may seem counterintuitive for someone who adheres to a clean lifestyle to ingest dirt on a daily basis, age-old cultures, as well as our current day scientific community, have found the practice to be one of the healthiest habits you can adopt. But it's not just any dirt -- specific types of clay prove to be most beneficial. Where to begin?

Dr. Edward F. Group III, founder of the Global Healing Center, recommends a high-quality zeolite or bentonite clay for increasing immunity, cleansing the colon, promoting healthy bacteria in the gut and detoxification of heavy metals. Additionally, research published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine discovered that finely ground zeolite clinoptilolite holds promise as an effective anti-cancer compound.

Why be worried about heavy metals?

Environmental heavy metals are an unfortunate reality in modern life. A byproduct of industry and energy production, we are saturated with these toxins. Found in our drinking water, food supply and the air we breathe, heavy metals are impossible to avoid. Below are four of the most prevalent.
Cadmium - An exceptionally toxic metal, cadmium is found in many soils and rocks as well as coal and mineral fertilizers. Cadmium is used in batteries, pigments, plastics and metal coatings. Long-term exposure can damage the kidneys, lungs and bones.

Mercury - Coal-burning power plants are the largest source of mercury emissions in the United States. Once in the soil and water, microorganisms convert the compound to methylmercury -- a bioaccumulating toxin that affects the nervous system, lungs, cardiovascular system and kidneys. Effects on the brain include memory problems, irritability, shyness, changes in vision or hearing and tremors.

Aluminum - Found in an array of personal products, from antiperspirants to cosmetics, as well as baking powders, foodstuffs, antacids, drinking water and pharmaceuticals, exposure to aluminum is difficult to dodge. This heavy metal is considered a neurotoxin and has been linked to the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Lead - Due to the burning of fossil fuels, along with mining and manufacturing, lead is a pervasive environmental toxin. Sources of exposure include water pipes in older homes, paint, contaminated soil, household dust, lead crystal, cosmetics, toys, drinking water and lead-glazed pottery. It's a suspected human carcinogen, and contact with high levels severely damages the brain and kidneys, ultimately causing death.""

Conclusions and Sources:

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