
Thursday, July 16, 2015

'Flat Earth 2015': The Webosphere, Blogosphere and Interwebs Subject Taken by Storm

The recent rise of the Flat Earth Movement 
and those pushing the flat earth theory has taken the webosphere and blogosphere by storm. It is, I would say, the 2nd biggest conspiracy of all. The interest has apparently been started and spearheaded by Eric Dubay, author of the Atlantean Conspiracy

The idea of a flat earth has now attracted and converted some high-profile names, such as Andrew Basiago, the man who claims he teleported to Mars as part of Project Pegasus in the 1960s and 1970s. 

Basiago, by the way, revealed in this interview with Lisa Harrison that he intends to join the 2016 presidential race! Imagine the exposure a mass audience would receive if Basiago could start delving into topics such as teleportation, Mars colonies, extraterrestrials and the flat earth theory…

For the record, I am not saying I believe the Earth is flat, but I am open to the possibility

Clearly, more investigation needs to be done, and it would be wisest to admit we don’t know something rather than proceed as if we did – especially when the conspiracy cuts so deep and the deception has infiltrated every area of our lives. 

Socrates, the father of philosophy, showed that questions are more powerful than answers; indeed, his questions were so powerful that the leaders of Athens put him to death for them.

Let us never be afraid to ask questions 

it is the only way we can learn and be truly sure of things.

Whatever the answer turns out to be, the idea that the Earth on which we all live could indeed be flat has ignited intense curiosity and healthy debate – and has already shaken people out of their apathy and generated critical thinking. 

This in itself is a victory for freedom, because once enough people start to question their reality in every way, the conspiracy will collapse, being only held up by deception and subterfuge.

It Sounds Crazy, but Open Your Mind …

Virtually everyone who first comes to the subject of flat earth (myself included) is thinking: “Flat earth? Are you serious? You must be kidding. That’s crazy! Don’t waste my time. That Makia Freeman guy has really gone off the deep end this time …” I know, I know. That’s how I first reacted to this topic. 

Let’s face it: we’re all conditioned to believe the world is arranged in a certain way. Right from the moment we go to school around age 5, we are shown miniature globes of the world and told the Earth is a ball. 

Our society makes fun of people we perceive to be crazy or behind the times by deriding them as “people who still think the world is flat.”

But how do you know the Earth is a globe? Only because you were told so by your teacher, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by some “authority” or “expert”. 

We already know the tendency humanity has for worshipping those outside of itself, for unquestioning obedience to authority, especially other people in uniform, white coats or black robes. 

Somewhere along the way as a child, you were probably shown some books with photographs, but as has been well exposed, space photos and videos are easily faked, as Freemason- and Nazi-controlled NASA knows very well. 

Those at the very top of the pyramid, who control the media, publishing houses and the education curriculum, do have the means to pull of such a grand deception.

Is Flat Earth the Mother of All Conspiracies?

Whether we live on a flat earth or globe earth is not some passing fad of little importance. If we have been deceived into thinking the earth is a globe when it is really flat, it conclusively proves just how easily we can be hoodwinked into believing lies and absurdities on a colossal scale. 

If we have been massively fooled about the very planet on which we live, we could have been fooled on any other topic in existence.

Is the debate over the flat earth the biggest conspiracy or the “Mother of all Conspiracies”? Not quite, in my opinion. It’s huge: I’d call it the 2nd biggest conspiracy. 

The biggest conspiracy though is forgetting Who We Are – infinitely creative, spiritual beings having a brief human journey – and allowing other entities to siphon off our life energy

This includes the issue of what happens when we die (i.e. whether we are forcibly recycled at the point of death through a soul net).

Flat earth is a close second, but ultimately, the two issues are connected; authors such as James of the WingMakers have joined the two in their work (e.g. by describing our world as the Hologram of Deception and describing the phenomenon of forced reincarnation).

The notion that we are entrapped in some kind of holographic quarantine is highly disturbing, yet deserves our full attention.

What is the Flat Earth Model?

The flat earth model contends that the Earth exists on a giant, flat plane, with the Arctic or North Pole at the center, and a giant wall of ice (the Antarctic) surrounding the entire disc and forming the circumference. 

The implication of this is that we live in a giant dome, and that “space” as we know it does not exist, and that all the planets and stars we see at night are like projections on the ceiling of a planetarium.

Let’s take a look now at the points for and against the flat earth model.

Points For the Flat Earth Model

– Lack of visible or measurable curvature: The horizon looks flat to the eye. Researchers have claimed that the skyline of cities such as New York City and Philadelphia are visible 40-60 miles away from the ground, when the alleged curvature of the Earth should not permit them to be seen.

The famous Bedford Canal experiment performed in 1838 by Samuel Rowbotham showed that a canoe or small boat was visible from 6 miles away along a river (when the curvature of the earth should have rendered it invisible below the horizon or line of sight). 

Is this light refraction or evidence of a flat earth?

– Lack of discernible spin: When an airborne plane is trying to land, if the earth were really spinning, it should be difficult for the plane to land. 

It would be landing on a moving target. Yet no planes appear to have trouble doing this or use a spinning earth in their calculations. Why not?

– Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic expedition: Admiral Richard E. Byrd was a courageous explorer who earned the trust of the US Government. They sent him down to Antarctica on a military mission in 1947. 

He reported that in Antarctica he ran into UFOs – “vehicles which could travel from one pole to the other in less than an hour” as he wrote in his diary – and found his way into the center of the earth, “inner earth”, where the temperature was warm, vegetation grew and a Nordic race of people lived.

Remember, this was a hardened, rational military man writing such things. In this video interview, he also reveals that beyond the South Pole there was still much of Antarctica left unexplored (an area the size of the USA in fact). 

After this Governments of the world joined forces and made Antarctica off limits and all trips there highly regulated. Why?

– The problem of the Sun’s heat: If the sun is really 93 million miles away, how does its heat travel through space (an apparent vacuum) to reach us? Can space conduct or transfer heat? 

If not, can the atmosphere of Earth take the sun’s light and transform it into heat? If so, how does that work? Has it been proven beyond all doubt?

– The problem of the Sun’s light: Sometimes you can see the sun’s rays coming in at wide angles. How could this be if they were all coming from 93 million miles away? 

From that distance they are essentially parallel. Does the atmosphere disperse them? If so, how? has this been proven beyond all doubt?

– Strangeness around Southern Hemisphere flights: Why are there so few direct flights in the Southern Hemisphere? Why do planes flying from places like Sydney (Australia) to Johannesburg (South Africa) routinely go via places like Dubai in the Middle East, which is completely off course and out of the way?

The direct flight would be around 12 hours and planes have enough fuel to do this without needing to stop. Why are planes’ GPS turned off during Southern Hemisphere flights, so that their exact trajectories can not be easily tracked?

Points Against the Flat Earth Model:

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