
Monday, July 20, 2015

Tick Toc Jade Helm FEMA Events on a Clock

""An interesting alert was issued on Steve Quayle’s site yesterday, July 17, following a phone call he received from “a long time friend, who is in law enforcement”. Steve describes him as totally logical and factual, and not a conspiracy oriented person in any way whatsoever. 

This person has apparently been attending a FEMA training, and is now “having a meltdown after what they learned”.
Here’s what he said that the FEMA team revealed:

-There is going to be an “Event” within the next 6 months.

-The nature of the “Event” is believed to be a Natural Disaster, such as a Solar Flare, but could be something else.

-The “Event” will be so catastrophic it will have a severe effect on our fragile economic infrastructure, so an interm bank holiday will be declared.

-Social unrest and violence is expected due to the stores being emptied of food and other supplies, early after the event. So martial law is expected to be declared.

-The “Event” is expected to make normal governing of the country extremely difficult if not impossible, so FEMA will be assuming continuity of government.

-All involved and support personnel are required to maintain a supply of cash at home for emergencies, and a minimum of three days of food and water for each member of their families. This is not to get them through disaster, but to tide them over until FEMA can establish their Aid Camps.""

""I have a long time friend, who is in law enforcement in one of the Jade Helm states. He is totally logical and factual (sheeple) while I think more out of the box. I have tried to help him see whats going on, but he always calls me a nutjob with too much time on my hands. I just got a phone call from him, he has been attending FEMA Training, and he is now having a meltdown after what they learned.
The FEMA team revealed:
-There is going to be an "Event" within the next 6 months.
-The nature of the "Event" is believed to be a Natural Disaster, such as a Solar Flare, but could be something else. 
-The "Event" will be so catastrophic it will have a severe effect on our fragile economic infrastructure, so an interm bank holiday will be declared.
-Social unrest and violence is expected due to the stores being emptied of food and other supplies, early after the event. So martial law is expected to be declared.
-The "Event" is expected to make normal governing of the country extremely difficult if not impossible, so FEMA will be assuming continuity of government.
-All involved and support personnel are required to maintain a supply of cash at home for emergencies, and a minimum of three days of food and water for each member of their families. This is not to get them through disaster, but to tide them over until FEMA can establish their Aid Camps.

Those are the major highlights. I asked my friend if he was aware of Jade Helm, 
he wasn't! Which I found interesting as he is both in Law enforcement, and in a Jade Helm state. When I briefly described Jade Helm 2015 to him... well its obvious there is more going on here than we know.""

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