Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Open Source BitcoinJ Client Establishes P2P Currency! - by Google Engineer!!!

Genius! get rid of the central banks hey...

* Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
* Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.
* Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency
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"The BitcoinJ client is available under the Apache 2 license at Google’s code repository":

"The BitcoinJ client is available under the Apache 2 license at Google’s code repository": [link to]

Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto

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